Wednesday, August 23, 2006


After spending Monday and Tuesday in bed, to start moving around again today is something to be thankful for. A nasty flu-type bug got me Sunday night and left me low for all of the next two days. I couldn't even sit here at the PC for longer than about 15 minutes without feeling worse, so I left it to that.

However, I discovered the joys of Radio 4 (for those not in the UK, it's a talk-based radio station from the BBC) Discussion, interviews, features etc with very little music, just what I needed.

So while laid in bed I learned about how the wife of US President FD Roosevelt, Eleanor, had a lot to do with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and the antics of 'Doctor' JR Brinkley and his goat-gland surgery for restoring male potency. Plus I also learned about rainwater harvesting, and how one fanatic has gone around the world discovering what sounds animals make in other languages.

Amazing stuff! Shame I couldn't concentrate on it better....

Saturday, August 19, 2006

All's well that ends well.

After the uneasyness of Thursday's meeting etc., thankfully the committee (or at least the important parts of it) saw that the meeting was neither the time nor the place for a discussion over the subscription, after due consultation of the rules. I've a feeling that the members will be given a softsell campaign up to the AGM next year for an increase, a moderate one hopefully.

Personally, I would rather they went down other routes to raise money and to that end, I suggested fundraising ideas that could replace whatever shortfall they felt they would face this year. If they go about it in the right way, they should be able to end up with a little more in the account than they thought at first!

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Oh Hades....

I fear I may end up making myself unpopular after tonight's Society committee meeting.

I've just discovered, after tracking down my copy of the rules of the Society, that one of tonights agenda items shouldn't have even been discussed, according to said rules. The committee wanted to vote on an increase in the subscription, a matter with which I was uneasy at the time, as I felt it had to be taken to the members. As it was, the proposal of an increase to £12 from £10 was carried.

Subsequently, under section 4.1, the rules state that such a topic as the decision on the following seasons subscription can only be made at the AGM... I had a feeling such might have been the case and so I think I might well be unpopular with everyone else after this, for not letting it go.

It would be a shame if that happened cos it was such a good meeting. The new website looks seriously good, and after the weekend, pop and have a look at: HERAS .

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Another place...

And if any of them from this other place read this "Hello, there...!"

Somehow, and it couldn't have been for my looks (although I dunno sometimes), I've started joining in with a new newsgroup (for me), outside of my usual dubious ones, called alt.penpals.forty-plus-yrs and it's a great place to hang out. Technically I shouldn't even have thought about joining, but its just a state of mind when you look at it. I think I got into the group thanks to my association with one of the sort of not-leaders, if you get my drift.

Now excuse me while I go and oversee my virtual health club in the group village, that's if they let it be set up. I shall have to go bribe the mayor with Rolos...

APFPY Village

Have to admit, when I was first taking a look round the village, I was laughing all the while, reading the different characters etc. Plus the humorous stories someone had written (Hi Cathy) were just brilliant. I shall know I've arrived if I ever appear in one...

I think I'm going to stay a while.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Mixed bag of a day....

Its been an odd kind of day, at least by the boring standards of my life its been odd!

This morning was relatively sensible, as I met with my old mate Stuart, mentioned elsewhere in this blog, for coffee and for setting the world to right. I've often missed the many intellectual conversations as regards the sporting issues of the day, and these weekly chats have been very enjoyable.

During that chat, at about 10.30 am, a phone call from the bowls club to say the afternoon's match was off, due to the opponents green being waterlogged. Ah well, I thought, means I have time now for a second cup! So I did. However, from that time onwards, there was no more rain within miles of us and I expect by 2pm, when we should have started, it would be perfectly playable. Making the decision as early as that was a little hasty in retrospect. Very odd.

So I had a quiet afternoon at home before going down the pub to watch my soccer team play on TV. I will not dwell on the events concerning the game or I might get mad, but it was NOT a good night.

Then in the last hour, I had a delightful chat on the phone with one of Ali's old friends from MILES away, Sharon (her blog is linked to on here somewhere). I think I like her, shame that its unlikely I shall get to meet her in the flesh, so to speak, but she does seem like good fun!

Slightly odd kinda day really...

Monday, August 07, 2006

Not a happy bunny this morning....

For the third time in 5 years I've had my bicycle stolen. This time from out of the back yard. Thats it, I'm giving up on bikes till I move, then I'll get another after I arrive in London.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Something else...

For those of you who know, I play that 'old man's game', lawn bowls, and just for something to do, I've uploaded my record for this season. Follow the link 'Bowls 2006' and you will see that I've not had a bad season up to now.

I never claimed my world was that interesting, now did I?

Friday, August 04, 2006

Not very interesting???

One or two of the readers of this blog have suggested that at times its not very interesting. Well, at the moment I don't have an interesting life! Some bloggers have interesting jobs (although they have to be careful what they write!), some have interesting hobbies, some bloggers have interesting stories to tell, some are just interesting people!

Things I think are interesting might bore the pants of most of you, my small band of readers, so what to do?

Actually, I'm sort of happy that the soccer season is about to start over here, so I have that to give me something to dive into. I'm likely to be returning to the Astro society, 4 months after saying farewell to them all, now that will be fun, will it not?

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

What was the matter, I wonder...?

After having a gentle walk on Sunday, only 6-7 miles or so, I then crash out for effectively 12 hours solid sleep til the morning. After having dinner about 7pm, I decided to sit and read for a while. Next I know its 10pm and Ally is on the phone. After a one-sided conversation for 20 mins, I zonk out again afterwards until breakfast time.

Ok, I was out all day Saturday after an early start of 7am, but I wasn't late up that night at all. So all I can think about is that the night was a lot cooler, with my body and brain deciding it would take advantage of the easier sleeping conditions.

Its starting to look like I'll be stuck in Hull till about November now, but that date is starting to look more solid than most of the others I've hoped on.