Tuesday, August 01, 2006

What was the matter, I wonder...?

After having a gentle walk on Sunday, only 6-7 miles or so, I then crash out for effectively 12 hours solid sleep til the morning. After having dinner about 7pm, I decided to sit and read for a while. Next I know its 10pm and Ally is on the phone. After a one-sided conversation for 20 mins, I zonk out again afterwards until breakfast time.

Ok, I was out all day Saturday after an early start of 7am, but I wasn't late up that night at all. So all I can think about is that the night was a lot cooler, with my body and brain deciding it would take advantage of the easier sleeping conditions.

Its starting to look like I'll be stuck in Hull till about November now, but that date is starting to look more solid than most of the others I've hoped on.


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