Another bye-bye...

Almost 16 years I'd been part of it, although the last 5 I took a back seat through being such a distance from the meetings. However, during that time, there were so many changes that I was glad to have been a part of it.... In recent times, due to the membership progressing and changing, I barely know anyone now, save a handful of the 50 or so members. I doubt more than they even knew my name or what I'd done. The president, John (seen in image centre), made it sound I'd done a helluva lot of stuff, and I guess I had but there was no need to lay it on so thick!
However, I shall miss him, even if I might not miss the Society as much. I only hope I can do as good a job as he did, wherever I end up.
Other news suggest it might well be well into autumn before the move takes place now. Delays etc are making that rather likely, if someone can keep their impatience under control!! Otherwise, who knows when it will happen...
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