Monday, February 26, 2007

Something I forgot to mention...

After the second presentation, at Scarborough last week, I had this from the secretary there.

"Good talk last night - thanks for that."

Me and her have had an occasionally strained relationship in the past, but now I'm leaving, she's easier to get on with! Plus she's not always the easiest to garner compliments from. So I was well pleased.

In fact many people came up afterwards and said how much they'd enjoyed it, so I must have done something right. The presentation is about 90% finished, but it will be a long while before its complete, as the comet is still visible and being studied. No doubt there will be more to add to my little piece of work, when the professional papers are published in the next year or two.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Profound Thought for the day...!

It's a small man that holds on to the past and refuses to let go, its a big man that forgives and forgets, as its harder.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Last night

Photobucket - Video and Image HostingBecause the sad withdrawal of last nights speaker at the Astro Society, a couple of weeks or so ago, I was asked to step in and make a presentation, to fill in as it were. Two weeks of feverish activity saw the presentation on Comet McNaught, an object which few in the society had seen, only 3 or 4 of the 30+ people attending the meeting (This actually was as many at a meeting as most can remember for quite a few years - don't think it was because it was me!). I was actually the first half of the meeting, the other half was a visit to the University's proposed observatory - into which we've had input as we meet there and will have use of.

Photobucket - Video and Image HostingThis was me before the start, a bad picture, probably cos I was talking while the photo was being taken. The presentation itself went well, but I know it can be even better on Friday, when I shall be presenting it to my other society at Scarborough. Amazing isn't it? Being asked to make presentations to both the societies I belong to in the same week... Ah well, I hope Scarborough know what they're doing. Shame I won't be able to claim any expenses for doing them, being a member knocks that out of the window for a start.