Because the sad withdrawal of last nights speaker at the Astro Society, a couple of weeks or so ago, I was asked to step in and make a presentation, to fill in as it were. Two weeks of feverish activity saw the presentation on Comet McNaught, an object which few in the society had seen, only 3 or 4 of the 30+ people attending the meeting (This actually was as many at a meeting as most can remember for quite a few years - don't think it was because it was me!). I was actually the first half of the meeting, the other half was a visit to the University's proposed observatory - into which we've had input as we meet there and will have use of.

This was me before the start, a bad picture, probably cos I was talking while the photo was being taken. The presentation itself went well, but I know it can be even better on Friday, when I shall be presenting it to my other society at Scarborough. Amazing isn't it? Being asked to make presentations to both the societies I belong to in the same week... Ah well, I hope Scarborough know what they're doing. Shame I won't be able to claim any expenses for doing them, being a member knocks that out of the window for a start.
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