Thursday, January 11, 2007

Good time for astronomy

Photobucket - Video and Image HostingAt the moment its a good time to be interested in astronomy, with a nice bright comet to observe just after sundown.

Here's a picture of said comet, Comet McNaught, taken by observing mate Paul Reed last night from just outside the city of Hull, and yes it was truly that bright. This photo, I gather, was only a very short exposure, less than a second in duration, yet look how good it is. For about an hour there was three of us, slightly awestruck and definitely excited, observing the comet as it set into the evening darkness.

If you want a high-resolution image for yourself, then please contact Paul on and have a chat with him to discuss it.

Comets are wonderful, aren't they? So much so, that I will be taking the February meeting of the Society, speaking on 'Sun-grazing comets', as the regular speaker is unable to be there, due to family commitments. Its sad it should happen this way, but at least I will get one last swan-song in front of the Society...


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