Saturday, March 17, 2007

Oh nooooo....

Expect a week of me grumbling, complaining and retreating in to the warmth as often as possible. Cold northerly winds, snow, ice, all my worst weather. ROLL ON SUMMER!!!! And if anyone complains about this, then :-P to you as well! There's nothing written that says I have to like snow, you know...

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Busy time

Well its been a busy old couple of weeks. Couple of weekends ago, Alicia came up for a few days. felt better for her coming...

Then last weekend was a busy astronomy weekend, with an eclipse of the moon being seen from nearly all of Britain. Late night time on that one, but good.

And then I finally got around to creating an online archive of all the Hull City articles I've written in the last few months. I'll extend it further when I can be sure of when I wrote some of them and where they were published!

Here's the link

Writing Archive