Friday, February 08, 2008

See you around, folks...

Well, today is that last full day in Hull, and this time tomorrow will see the last loading of boxes into the van. The day that I've been looking forwards to for so long is almost here, and you've no idea how that feels. Well perhaps you do, anyhow, after today, I don't know when I'll next be able to update this little feeble blog. But I will do, when the internet connection rises up the "To do" list, probably when I've gained some meaningful employment and not before.

I'd like to thank all my readers over the last couple of years for stopping by and reading the entries, as I thank those who read it via email. Your interest means a lot.

I would like to thank everyone else in Hull, to those who I've worked with, to those who I spend time under the stars with, to those who I've shared a drink with and to those who I've shared football with (have I left anyone out?)