Monday, April 24, 2006

best of the easter pix!

Image hosting by PhotobucketPicture One: Sarah and Shereen, one almost drunk, the other sensibly not! Hi girls! :)))

PS And I thought I had a good appetite..... you should have seen these two eat! :D

Image hosting by PhotobucketPicture Two: Need you ask? One almost drunk, the other not, guess which was which!

PS I won!

Sunday, April 23, 2006

That's that.

Well yesterday was the first of the 'lasts'. Probably my last visit to the football stadium for a Hull City game. Tis a shame they couldn't win, but at least they didn't lose! At the end I sat for a while and reflected on some of the games I had seen, both at the old stadium and the new. Promotion parties and the rest of the good times, ah yes, the really good times! :)

In some respects, its now when the fact I'm moving is starting to hit home. I've the last astroSoc committee meeting this week, then about 10 days later is the last regular meeting and I've already talked about that.

I hate goodbyes and farewells, as I don't do them well. Then who does, when you really look at it? Although there's much to look forwards to, I can see the first few weeks and months being a bit tricky, and so I shall need a friend or two, especially the ones who are Alicia's friends too.

On a happier note, Mandy, one of my American friends, has just had news that she is expecting another child. Remember her in your thoughts, as she's had problems in the past going the full term. For her and her partner's sake, I hope that the rest of the year is problem free.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Eeeeehh, wotta weekend...

Mmm. Well it was a good weekend in London with the Boss, and thanks to Sarah and Shereen for being good company on the Friday, but Sarah will not remember it! :) When she looks over her pics on the camera, she'll remember she's sending some to me...

Seeing the likes of Heathrow, Ruislip village, Camden markets and Shepherds Bush etc. is not a conventional holiday but still a good one all the same.

Plus thanks to Terri as well, I don't suppose she'll see this but if she does, its "Hi there, and I look forwards to that footy match invite, girl!" ;)

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Last time out

On the way home after last nights meeting, I realised, that to all intents and purposes, that was it for the AstroSociety. As the thought struck me, there was also a sense of sadness that 3 years worth of work has come to an end. At the start, 3 years seemed like a long time, but now its over, that length of time has apparently slipped past so quickly.

Next month someone else has the task of leading the group, and its probably going to be Sharon. Apart from most of the ordinary committee people, the officers will almost completely change around, so the Society might have a new direct to it, but knowing the Boss, I don't think it will, she's good at what she does. The meeting itself will be a bit of an occasion, no doubt. I think there'll be some fuss made, more that in the other society at Scarborough, which has had me involved for 15 years, will make. I guess I didn't know the right people there, you know how it goes, perhaps that's being cynical but I get that feeling blowing in the wind.

I can tell there'll be something at the AGM as Ian was taking about something he'd written as a thankyou speech or something, so as well as a presentation for Nichalai, there'll be me as well. {sigh} I really don't do 'goodbyes' very well and I wish with all of me I didn't have to but when it comes down to it, the Society comes second to the chance of a proper life with someone wonderful.

Watch this space for pictures in a months time.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Mailing list.

If you would like to receive an email informing you of when I update here, you can send an email to:

PS If I think you're a spammer or in some way dubious, I shan't approve you, so don't even think about it! :)


I don't know if the the word 'friend' is too strong, but someone I know needs remembering over the next day or two. Jenn, who ran a message board I used to belong to, is struggling with the birth of her first child, and after being induced etc, the little one is reluctant to make his appearance!

Apparently the doctors are thinking of performing a caesarian section as a last resort, so if you can remember Jenn in your thoughts for the next few days, lots of people would be very grateful!

Its a very difficult time she's going through, and the last thing the parents need is trouble at this time, after looking forwards to this happy event for so long.

UPDATE: 1030 pm UK time
The baby was born successfully in the last few mins, a little boy to be named Gage, and weighing in at 7 ib 2 ozs (about 3.3 kgs). Welcome into the world!