Sunday, April 23, 2006

That's that.

Well yesterday was the first of the 'lasts'. Probably my last visit to the football stadium for a Hull City game. Tis a shame they couldn't win, but at least they didn't lose! At the end I sat for a while and reflected on some of the games I had seen, both at the old stadium and the new. Promotion parties and the rest of the good times, ah yes, the really good times! :)

In some respects, its now when the fact I'm moving is starting to hit home. I've the last astroSoc committee meeting this week, then about 10 days later is the last regular meeting and I've already talked about that.

I hate goodbyes and farewells, as I don't do them well. Then who does, when you really look at it? Although there's much to look forwards to, I can see the first few weeks and months being a bit tricky, and so I shall need a friend or two, especially the ones who are Alicia's friends too.

On a happier note, Mandy, one of my American friends, has just had news that she is expecting another child. Remember her in your thoughts, as she's had problems in the past going the full term. For her and her partner's sake, I hope that the rest of the year is problem free.


Blogger Sharon said...

Saying goodbye is never easy but knowing that you'll see them again is a great comfort. I've had to leave and bid farewell too many times that I must admit I'm tired and need the comfort of my friends.

But you are begining a new life - how exciting!!!

24/4/06 11:14 am  

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