Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Last time out

On the way home after last nights meeting, I realised, that to all intents and purposes, that was it for the AstroSociety. As the thought struck me, there was also a sense of sadness that 3 years worth of work has come to an end. At the start, 3 years seemed like a long time, but now its over, that length of time has apparently slipped past so quickly.

Next month someone else has the task of leading the group, and its probably going to be Sharon. Apart from most of the ordinary committee people, the officers will almost completely change around, so the Society might have a new direct to it, but knowing the Boss, I don't think it will, she's good at what she does. The meeting itself will be a bit of an occasion, no doubt. I think there'll be some fuss made, more that in the other society at Scarborough, which has had me involved for 15 years, will make. I guess I didn't know the right people there, you know how it goes, perhaps that's being cynical but I get that feeling blowing in the wind.

I can tell there'll be something at the AGM as Ian was taking about something he'd written as a thankyou speech or something, so as well as a presentation for Nichalai, there'll be me as well. {sigh} I really don't do 'goodbyes' very well and I wish with all of me I didn't have to but when it comes down to it, the Society comes second to the chance of a proper life with someone wonderful.

Watch this space for pictures in a months time.


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