Monday, March 13, 2006

I love my AstroSociety

Not many meetings left, tonight means another one down, and just 1½ to go. Confused? Well its like this.

The next meeting is the full one, ok? The ½ meeting is because as soon as my successor is elected at the AGM in May, the business and running of the rest of that meeting is THEIR responsibility.

Its looking, at the moment, like there's just one nomination for each of the positions of president, secretary and treasurer. And I do know who they are and I'm perfectly sure that they will continue to run the society in the proper manner! I'm just waiting to see who decides they want to be on the committee. I hope its someone who can bring a fresh idea or two to the direction the Society must take.

Tonight's meeting had the highest turnout yet, 33, for any lecture that I can remember. And it was such a good meeting, both for content and for atmosphere. My successor will reap the rewards of the hard work of the last 3 years, and quite right too. Although I would like a bit of credit at the end of the year, I don't want to claim it all as its been a team effort.

One thing that I'd better not forget to do before the AGM, is to have a group photo of officers and committee, if not for the website, then for myself. And it would have to be good enough to have printed and framed, so I can look back and remember the wonderful times.

I shall miss them all, you know. I just hope that I don't shed a tear or two at the end of the AGM. Actually, perhaps I might, and dammit, I shan't be ashamed of doing so.


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