Monday, January 30, 2006

And there it goes.....

Good heavens, January's nearly over!! These days months and years seem to move faster than ever, yet days seem to drag sometimes. You know how it is, days that seem to last forever yet go speeding past like a high speed train? Strange isn't it?

Although its been two weeks since I last made an entry, that was just mainly because there wasn't a lot to say. But the last weekend was good, extremely good. The annual dinner passed uneventfully, thanks to some scheming. Keri and Steve decided to go for a meal with their friends to the very same restaurant, on the very same night, at about the same time as we were there. So that meant that they would come into contact with her ex-husband. It sorta shut him up and stopped him starting anything.

Plus Ali and my sister met for the first time for over 5 years, but you would just have thought, if you'd seen it, that it had been a few weeks and as soon as Keri's ex worked out Ali and I were engaged, well you'd think the world dropped out of his mouth by the way it sagged! HA!!

So it all ended up as a good quiet night. Oh and the one I nearly thumped a couple of weeks ago? She just blanked me out all night which I couldn't care about anyway.

Saturday was a LOOOONG day but we went over to join up with an old friend of mine. Well old as in 15 years worth. This was for us all to go to a big event at Scarborough (an image of which I shall post when I get it off the camera). Ali and my friend Deirdre got on like a house on fire so we all had a really good night, we got back to Hull about 1130 pm.

Sunday, well we had Sunday lunch with Keri and Steve, before they went to the rugby league game. And that went very well too. Its made me happy that the two of them have patched up a few (not all) of their differences and are chatting. Not necessarily as friends but more than just relatives, as they will effectively be. Just a little thing, but its made my year already.

And on that note, gentle reader, I shall say au revoir, until another day.


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