Tuesday, November 28, 2006


Monday – Aviemore

Photobucket - Video and Image HostingI was rather disappointed with Aviemore as I had thought it was bigger than it actually turned out to be, but there you go. Because we were rushing around getting supplies in, there was not time to take pictures but the landscape with the snow on the tops of the hills was stunning. What must it be like in the depth of winter, well it must be even more stunning!

As we haven’t a view of Aviemore, here’s a pic of the view from our lounge window…

Tuesday –

Photobucket - Video and Image HostingThe bus ride over Slochd summit was a definite experience; the wind had risen and in the rain, it looks not a place to linger, yet the views were special. Snow from the week before was still very much in evidence by the roadside and on the hills, but my first impression of the area was a good one, wishing I could see it in the summer as well!

Inverness was a lovely little place, despite the rain! The River Ness was very high, as you can see from this picture, showing it and the castle in the background.

We couldn’t actually get into the castle as its now the courthouse, or the museum, it was closed, so we had to make do with the mercantile delights of the town, which was varied enough to suit everyone.

Wednesday – Grantown On Spey

Sitting by the fast flowing River Spey on a crisp sunny late autumn afternoon was just so specialPhotobucket - Video and Image Hosting and relaxing that Ally fell asleep! Like all the other local river the Spey was quite high as it grumbled and roared its passage in front of us, but we could tell that it had clearly been a lot higher in previous days. The light was just wonderful.

The bus we’d chosen to get us home turned out to be a school run, but the kids were quite well behaved, indeed one lad gave up his seat so Ally and I could sit together, without being asked. Just goes to show that there are still some good ones about, despite everything.

Grantown Musuem

Thursday – Lochanhully

Photobucket - Video and Image HostingAs we decided to do the domestic things today, we took the opportunity to take pictures etc of the local area around the site. Photos of the view can’t really do it justice but they’re not too bad.

It was a real treat to be able to pull the curtains and to look out on that every morning, started the day off right.

At this point in time I hadn’t yet got a pic of the bridge in the village of Carrbridge but I subsequently took this one later on, and you can see why it’s a bit of a tourist attraction. It was originally built in the 19th century but the parapet was swept away in floods late in that century.

Photobucket - Video and Image HostingI’ve been much impressed by the landscape around this slightly remote part of Scotland despite the time of year. Most tourists prefer the Cairngorms and Strathspey during the summer, but the winter has its stark beauty which is completely different to any other time of year. Although the weather can tend to be mercurial, a bright day after rain or snow, it can be an awe-inspiring sight, seeing the snow glinting off the to mountain tops. The air can be very invigorating as you take it in, gazing upon the relentless power of the flooded rivers, forcing you to recognise the way man has to adapt to the landscape rather than moulding it to his will.

Lochanhully Woodland Club

Friday – Newtonmore

Photobucket - Video and Image HostingNot easy to get there and not easy to leave either! Ok the train from Carrbridge was ok, and we got there easy enough, but after we arrived, it turned out there was two train left that day, about 1pm and the 6.30pm! Turns out I made a mistake on the timetable, which is most unlike me. So we got back to Aviemore and then got a taxi home, from our friendly local driver, Bill Grant. And I had to pay too… But the view was ok though.

We were in Newtonmore to see the attraction of the Waltzing Waters, which was well worth the trip.

Waltzing Waters

Saturday – Carrbridge and the Landmark Centre

Photobucket - Video and Image HostingWe decided to stay close by the village and visited the Landmark Centre, a woodland heritage park and it was well worth going to. The highlight of the day was the chance to get to see red squirrels. Not close enough to touch them but close enough to be able to see the colours of there eyes.

Landmark centre

Theres more photos at my Yahoo site (click on the link)

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Saturday and the wind down.

Had quite a lazy day wandering around the Landmark Centre in the village. If anytime you are passing through this area, then we would recommend a visit. It made the day to just watch the red squirrels scoff the food in the trees... Hopefully I should get to place links to all the places we went to within the next day or two, so you all can see for yourselves the beautiful places we've been to.
-- (sent via mobile)

Saturday, November 25, 2006


Friday! Ah yes, we spent the morning and lunch at Newtonmore, watching the 'Waltzing Waters' then we nearly ended spending the rest of the day there as I managed to misread the timetable! We managed to get home safely though!
-- (sent via mobile)

Friday, November 24, 2006


We had a quiet day around the club today, doing things like laundry, food shopping etc. Nice and relaxed kinda way to spend a Thursday!
-- (sent via mobile)

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Is that the Sun we see?

We saw the sun today, on our trip to Grantown on Spey. We had almost forgotten what it was like! However it was wonderful sat by the Spey this afternoon following a fascinating trip around the town's museum. Shame the weather looks as if it's going to turn bad again. We can't wait to hear when everyone gets their postcards! PS I'll be adding to all the holiday entries with pictures and further thoughts when I get home, Ok?
-- (sent via mobile)

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Tuesday (pt 2b)

And another thing, the rain hasn't stopped for very long either yesterday OR today, at least thats what it feels like. At least here in Inverness, we've been able to get out of the weather, just glad we weren't out in the hills today! And Mart Adamson, AKA Mcmarty, should he reads this, ought to know he's a cheeky beggar, sitting in his warm Clydebank office...
-- (sent via mobile)

Holiday - part 2

Slight panic yesterday when Ally got clipped by a vans wing mirror, on the way into the village. Bit of bruising, but nothing really bad. After picking up a pile of groceries in Aviemore, we relaxed for the afternoon. A whisky tasting session before dinner was the DB's! But what you expect from me...? The evening show was ok to round off the day. More tomorrow!
(sent via mobile)

Monday, November 20, 2006

Holiday pt 1

Its the end of the day and its been an interesting one after a late arrival last night! No taxis at the station (no surprise to me!) so a gentle half mile walk, in the drizzle along icy roads, to the village hotel and a taxi. Then we get to the site and the reception was closed, we had to call the emergency number for our key! But we got in, had a bite of supper, and hit the bed! End of sunday...
-- (sent via mobile)

Sunday, November 19, 2006

On the way.

1.05 pm: The muted autumn colours of the Wolds have receded into the distance as the train glides towards Doncaster, where I'll catch the 1441 GNER service. This is the train Ally is on, we then speed on to Newcastle, Edinburgh, Perth, arriving at Carrbridge about 9.30ish tonight. Long day, huh?
-- (sent via mobile)

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Next week

I've changed some of the settings at blogger.com so I can update the blog from my mobile phone while I am away. However, for those on the mailing list, I'll have to mess around with the settings on there so that you can benefit. At the moment I have to approve every post to the Yahoo list, if I can change that, I will. Hopefully it can be done.

Of course the entries won't be very long but it'll be nice to give you all something to read....

Back to normality, I think so anyway...

Well I'm home now, after having a week minding my sister's house while she was away having a lovely time no doubt in Egypt. But it'll not be for long as I'll be leaving for a weeks holiday with Ally, in Scotland. It'll be a great chance to get away from everyone, and see a new part of the world, cos apparently I love travelling!

For the last astronomy meeting at Scarborough, the secretary, who's very interested in astrology as well, asked for volunteers to have their birthchart produced, and mine was very interesting indeed. I'm not going to post it here, well not all of it, but if people are interested then I might post some of the best bits, if someone asks. After all, I wouldn't want to post it and people weren't interested.

Ally had hers done too, and her mum swore I'd written it cos it was so accurate!

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Well I'm back again....

Ok, ok. So I know I've been rather busy on the old travelling front (another visit to London to see the Boss) and I didn't report back in... Sorry and all that.

But here's some photos that she took, I'll have to sort mine out later!

Holiday Pix

Next up, a week keeping an eye on my sisters house, then a week in the Highlands of Scotland on holiday....!