Thursday, August 17, 2006

Oh Hades....

I fear I may end up making myself unpopular after tonight's Society committee meeting.

I've just discovered, after tracking down my copy of the rules of the Society, that one of tonights agenda items shouldn't have even been discussed, according to said rules. The committee wanted to vote on an increase in the subscription, a matter with which I was uneasy at the time, as I felt it had to be taken to the members. As it was, the proposal of an increase to £12 from £10 was carried.

Subsequently, under section 4.1, the rules state that such a topic as the decision on the following seasons subscription can only be made at the AGM... I had a feeling such might have been the case and so I think I might well be unpopular with everyone else after this, for not letting it go.

It would be a shame if that happened cos it was such a good meeting. The new website looks seriously good, and after the weekend, pop and have a look at: HERAS .


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