Friday, April 27, 2007

Ah, the weekend....

Well a good time all round was had last weekend. A trip to see Ally and to go to a couple of parties, the first of which was something special...! I have to admit, I'd had more to drink over the 3 days I was down than I'd had for quite a while!

The first party, on Saturday night, was a 21st birthday party of an old college friend of Ally's, held in the Hampton & Richmond FC clubhouse. Terri had finally reached that magic age, Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucketand doesn't she look a picture with her father, Alan... For those of you who were football fans in London during the late 70's and early 80's might recognise the face. So it was food, beer and pretty reasonable music, plus a slightly cheesed off footy fan of my acquaintance as Alan bought me and A a drink. Because of her background, Terri knows as much about football as a lot of men, so Ally doesn't mind me talking to her (A has no interest in it, can't think why). As a consequence of this, when I can't get to see my beloved Hull City, which will be most of the time, I'll be following Hampton. Ok, they aren't a league club but does that matter? Not to my way of thinking. Plus if they get promotion this weekend, they'll be one more step up the non-league ladder. Come on Hampton!

On the way there, the bus engine gave up with a blown radiator, with steam and water everywhere, thankfully there wasn't much of a delay as the next 111 service was just behind. On the way home afterwards, we had to trip onto Kingston, from Hampton, and then walk across the town to the bus back to Ealing and home. Kingston, Surrey, after midnight isn't different from anywhere else at that time! Halfway home there was a bit of a ruckus on the bus, a number 65, but we got back to Ealing safe enough.

On the Sunday night, Ally and I went out to have a meal etc. with Sarah and Shereen's families, these being two close friends of Ally. And what a riot is was, laughing all the time, silly gossip and allround hilarity. Yes, it was a good night, but she mixed a glass or two of wine with 2 pints of Marston's Pedigree beer, and I will say no more, mixing the grain and the grape together... Mad. But Sarah's parents are a hoot, and I think I like Shereen's mum, even more so if her cooking is as good as A says. Besides, she said I was "a nice young man." Hmm......

A message for one of my regular readers
Karina, you might want to ask A about a blue vase, next time you talk to her..... Not that she'll remember, other than what I told her afterwards, but it might make you smile.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Watch this space...

A proper blog entry for the last week or so will appear soon, just as soon as I get the pix sorted that I want to use...


Friday, April 13, 2007

Long month....

Ok, its been a month since I lasted posted for you all on here. For that, accept my apologies, its been a case of "just didn't feel like it" for a long time. Not much happened either so I suppose it was justified.Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

As there wasn't much happening here to keep me in the city, I decided to go spend some days around Easter with the parents, and take a few pictures of the area. Here's one of the riot of daffodils outside their house, and aren't they wonderful? If we didn't know that spring was here before, well you do now. For as long as I can remember, these daffodils have been flowering, every year, producing such a rich swathe of variations on yellow that is so beautiful. I shall miss seeing it next year.

Plus I had a visit while I was there from some of the lads from the astronomy society who were after some proper dark skies. Had a hell of a job to get them to go home too, must have been about 2am before I could go and lock the back door to call it a night! Of course it was way darker than the skies around Hull and one or two of them took the opportunity to take some pictures that they normally wouldn't have been able to. But they enjoyed it so much that they want to go another night. Ah well, it keeps them happy!