Well there's a lot to mention this time, so grab a cuppa and get comfortable.
After my last entry I went to see my sister as you know, and had a really good time. It was good to spend time with little sis (and I know that will bug her!). We did nothing but talk and watch TV, talk a bit more and have a coffee, watch TV and eat dinner, that kind of day. Was really good.
Also during that time I spent time with some of the astronomy bunch that I used to hang around with before and it was good as well, even though the weather didn't always understand the necessity of clear skies that weekend!
To top it off, I harassed the girls at the old coffee shop, but in a nice way. All I had to pay for was my coffee, cos I kept getting food placed in front of me. I think they liked having me back.
All in all it was a wonderful weekend and I enjoyed it all, every part. Plus it has a bearing on a later entry! :)
Last weekend, well it wasn't a weekend as you would know it... Saturday was spend work training, attending a first aid course for the whole of the day. And being the responsible person as well. ARRGGHH! It was tempered by an amazing evening, where
this happened. Smashing, amazing, mind-bogglingly astonishing times for Hull City!
Sunday saw me having a trip to Newcastle, to see how the company office there works, as its been established for 10 years, and had an 'outstanding' rating at the last official inspection, it was thought it would be good for me to pick up systems and routines there. Well if I couldn't there, then I couldn't anywhere. But I was glad to get home.

At this point I'd like to introduce our two additions to the house, two tiny tyrants. Meet Midnight and Lightning.... Its not the best of pictures, cos it was taken in a hurry last night on my mobile. We came to get two little bundles of fun cos A felt lonely when I was up in Hull visiting my sister, apparently the house was too empty when she was home. Aren't they just cute?
Lightning (on the right) is the more outgoing, she's always looking for something to chase, attack or eat, depending on her mood. Her little sister, Midnight looks like the runt of the litter and so is a bit smaller and more reserved, but she's catching up and eating all she can get. At just 10 weeks old, they're just right for a new home, and after just one week, they think they own the place, plus they know who's the soft touch, and it isn't A!
Expect more cute pix over the next few weeks, months and so on, of our little adorable bundles...