Friday, December 21, 2007

That time of year again...

Well, tomorrow I buzz off to spend Christmas with the folks, at their new place. It'll seem strange to not be in the cold cottage, sat before the open fire and enjoying the solitude. But it'll be nice to spend time with them.

Yesterday was a bit of a sobering emotional time, as mother, sister and myself went to say farewell to an old family friend who passed over last week. A wonderful gentle man, with a mischievous sense of humour but full of wisdom and sound words, who lived his life by his faith. I hadn't seen him for a while but his passing is a sad loss to the world. I shall miss him. On the journey back, Keri and I spent most of the trip reminiscing over his life as we had shared it with him... His advice, his laugh, his stories. Farewell, JV.

To everyone, have a wonderful Christmas, and a wonderful New Year.


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