Saturday, September 15, 2007

Quiet night out on the range...

Having come towards the end of my last house-minding jaunt to my parents, I'm sat here on a Saturday night with little to do. I can't get to the TV cos they're home and watching a movie (when I wanted to watch 'Match Of The Day' later), there's nothing much to entertain me off the net tonight, and I haven't brought any games or similar to pass the time with. There only so many baths you can take, so for something to do, I thought I'd pass that time making a blog entry, even though I can't think of much to say yet... So grant me a little slack if this rambles a bit.

As you well know, this blog is also visible on my Facebook page (ask if you want it, but the link is over there on the left somewhere). I've found Facebook to be quite informative about what my irregular acquaintances are doing. One of them, Alison, since I saw her last in 1999, had grown up, got married and so on. Her parents and mine were and still are very friendly for the best part of 25 years I think. Yet looking at the pictures she'd posted on her website, to me they were unrecognisable. I looked at them, and the attractive confident young woman I saw wasn't one I knew at first. If her full name hadn't been at the top, I would have never guessed who it was. Memory plays tricks on us all.

Another thing that occurred to me recently was than memories would be all I would have of this place of my parents as it looks like by the end of the year they will be settled in a new place. Its that thought that's going to be hardest one to get over when they leave, and I move away to London. Much of my happiest times on my life have been here and to probably never visit this place again will be a mountain to get past.

One thing that isn't a mountain is the number of visitors this blog gets. In the last 10 1/2 months just over 990 different visitors have made their way to my blog. Not that many, averaging about 3 per day. But not many. What is interesting about the visitors is where they are from, etc. Even a visitor from Iran passed by my blog, I'd love to know what they thought of it (PS If you think I might be interested in where you live, please leave a message! It fascinates me who reads these blog entries) . One thing I was pleased to see, was that the site that most often has referred people to my blog is Archie's Archive, a Blog which is far more interesting! But 44 people have left his site to look at mine, which isn't bad...

More stats at Blogflux

Oh, and a hi to those sheep who are panicking over their accounts with Northern Rock. BAHHHH!!! Every reassurance is being given and yet they still think their money is at risk. BAHHHH!!! I've seen sheep out in the fields with more sense and reasoning than these people.


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