Interesting times
Hmmm. been a fair bit happening but I can't remember it all so the best bits.
Last weekend was the end of a brilliant few days with Ally. Trips out everywhere, visits to friends etc., other things of an evening, and yep all good.
Then on her arrival back home, all that was wiped away. I won't go into it, but the local council whom were are dealing with over the house has right royally screwed up. They couldn't find their collective asses with map, photo and GoogleEarth image, or so it seems. We shall find out this week what happens. If the final door is slammed shut, we've ANOTHER 6 months to wait, and I can't see that happening, cos Ally is impatient, to say the least. So watch this space.
Then a very enjoyable evening watching the football at Hull City on Tuesday last, in a match that will be remembered for the 20 man pushing match in the first half, and not for the score. The Football Association is having an investigation, oh well.
And then yesterday. A trip to support the Yorkshire Astromind, a sort ofMastermind contest for astronomers in this fair county. No, I wasn't going to take part, oh no! Done that before, a few times, but I wasn't going to undertake that kind of ordeal again, oh no. but I DID take part in the audience participation section of one of the rounds, racking up a total of 9 points out of about 25. Pitiful you might say, but it was enough to win the prize for the best audience score, a bottle of wine! Ha! Bit of a surprise though, that no one else in the audience has done better, I even beat one of the contestants... heeheehee!
Last weekend was the end of a brilliant few days with Ally. Trips out everywhere, visits to friends etc., other things of an evening, and yep all good.
Then on her arrival back home, all that was wiped away. I won't go into it, but the local council whom were are dealing with over the house has right royally screwed up. They couldn't find their collective asses with map, photo and GoogleEarth image, or so it seems. We shall find out this week what happens. If the final door is slammed shut, we've ANOTHER 6 months to wait, and I can't see that happening, cos Ally is impatient, to say the least. So watch this space.
Then a very enjoyable evening watching the football at Hull City on Tuesday last, in a match that will be remembered for the 20 man pushing match in the first half, and not for the score. The Football Association is having an investigation, oh well.
And then yesterday. A trip to support the Yorkshire Astromind, a sort ofMastermind contest for astronomers in this fair county. No, I wasn't going to take part, oh no! Done that before, a few times, but I wasn't going to undertake that kind of ordeal again, oh no. but I DID take part in the audience participation section of one of the rounds, racking up a total of 9 points out of about 25. Pitiful you might say, but it was enough to win the prize for the best audience score, a bottle of wine! Ha! Bit of a surprise though, that no one else in the audience has done better, I even beat one of the contestants... heeheehee!
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