Saturday, December 10, 2005

Another day, and its back....!

Ever done something and not known how you've managed to do it?

Last Sunday, I was sat here, at the computer, just idling the afternoon away (nothing new there then!) and I thought 'Hmm that ring feels tight'. So I looked and somehow I'd managed to bend the plain silver band on the inside of the finger. I cannot recall how I did it, nor is there any mark on the finger either.

As a consequence I had to take it to be straightened at the jewellers, and I got it back this lunchtime. After the work, a good clean and polish made it look like almost new (well it wasn't new when we bought it in the first place!). I'm just glad to have it back as it felt weird not to have it there, after getting used to it in the first place.

Of course its now the "Spend pots of money" season, and of course I've to buy a little something for Ally's girls now. Talk about a fish out of water!!! HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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