Goodness Gracious Me!
Ok, ok, I know its been over a week since I blogged, I'm naughty aren't I?
So what have I done that last week, you ask? Well, Saturday saw me at a 'popular astronomy' conference, I think it's best described that way... A very enjoyable day, as I listened to speakers on some of the latest astronomical news, infromation, theories etc. Plus a bit of networking too (never know who you might be pleased you ran into...!).
Monday evening, the local astronomy society meeting where the news was finally announced that I wasn't standing for another 3 year Presidential term due to the move to London, plus the news of our engagement too. Believe it or not I was nervous about telling them, I suppose it because I'm not used to talking about my personal life in front of everyone. []
The speaker was talking about 'Women in Astronomy' and believe it or not, there's been more than we think. However, if some of our female members start getting ideas after that, well I'll go put the kettle on...
For the rest of the week, there's a committee meeting of the Tigers Co-operative, [] which I'm on, then a meeting of the walking group called by some of the women (yes I know its you, Anne/Sharon/Suzi/Carole, so don't think I don't! [grin]). I can either sit back and shut up (can you see that?) or sort of take charge of the meeting, taking the notes etc.
Then again would you argue with the four of them....? No, me neither!
Then Monday sees another, different astronomy meeting.
Hmmm, isn't life fun?
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