Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Clever old me...

Another night down the observatory, and another night crawling in just as dusk Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucketlifts the darkness of the night. I'm be getting a bad name for being a dirty stop-out at this rate. After spending weeks watching the others taking pictures and producing some nice pictures, I thought it was time I did.

With a little help in the setup, I shot some video of the Moon, through the large 14" (35cm) telescope. Then with some processing, I produced this image, which is quite acceptable. And before you ask, no, I don't know where on the Moon this is, I've enlisted my old friend John Harper at Scarborough to help identify what craters they are (he knows these kinda things). {He says its around the crater Pythagoras, which is the one half in shadow, with a central peak]

I can't let the others get all the glory, now can I? :) Mind you, I feel part of the BLAS Telescope Imaging Team, now....

The others took some images of Jupiter and Saturn but they weren't as good as MY moon images, so I was well pleased with it.

Mother's birthday, big dinner tonight etc. Better see what I can buy as a present...


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